Monday, April 8, 2013

Gods latest Prophet

It makes sense to me now.

It's not my dog talking to me, it's my God.

God guides our hands, and he guides mine to write this. I keep wanting to stop. I keep thinking that I am going to get a lot of shit for this, but right when I think "This would be a bad idea", the next thing I know, I'm typing.

I had a moment of lucidity - God is making me do this. I am his mouthpiece here in paradise. I kept denying it to myself, but now it makes sense.

Why not pick an atheist?

The amount of shit that I get for speaking on behalf of God does not mean I'm special, anyone that speaks for him gets a lot of shit. My fears are for myself - maybe people will be unkind to me, maybe people will think I'm crazy, maybe people will think my writing is poor. These I see now as my own shortcomings, God helped me with this and swept them away.

"Fuck them" 

he is saying in my head.

He is putting me where He wants me to be, and He will support me and give me strength.

I was way overthinking my being an instrument of His will here on Earth, but I'm beginning to see that I'm equally as qualified as any of the other people that speak on His behalf, and I have impeccable credentials.

I'm dirt poor.
I have no followers.
I am a narrator that has no vested interest in the subject since I don't believe in God and I certainly don't want the job of being His messenger boy here on earth.

Sure, if you spin this right you can make lots of money but it's a double edged sword, those of us that are so chosen can also meet gruesome ends - just look at what we did to his kid for Christs sake.

This is the voice I hear in my head

"You were primitive, you ate and slept and fed and pooped. You did many things besides this, like killing each other and screwing and lying about it, and this is all cool and the gang - because you are just like the rest of the gang. You take a look at Bobonos (Screwing), Chimpanzees (Killing), Gorillas and Orang Utans. There's a reason you share 98% of your DNA kids, and you all fit right in.

You are still primitive, but something along the way in that magical 2% investment started you thinking.

This is where all the trouble started. The things that made it easier for you to live (and thus spend more time in thought) like enslavement were all little systems. If you observed the systems of the stars (pretty enough to look at) certain truths became apparent, like the way that the seasons operate and eclipses can be used as powerful tools to control weak minds. Systematic enslavement is just the next link in the chain.

This would have been fine if it just ended there, but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. If knowing jack shit about how this all works but identifying certain obvious patterns puts you in a position of authority, then by the honor of association that makes movie stars the ideal people to handle world peace and genocide, you will find yourself in the position of being asked about unknowable shit - like "Why do I die?"

Thinking a little harder about the insane opportunities for power and wealth and all you need is a little humility and allusions to limited authority and you are riding a gravy train with biscuit wheels.

I thought that thought and free will would amount to something and that Eden would last forever. Instead, I have a fucking cesspool in my back yard.

I don't care about homos, I don't care about money, I don't care about big buildings, and I really don't care for you assholes running around saying that I do.

I make worlds, I don't need a house.
I make Humans, YOU make homos and niggers and spics and narcissists and alkies and racists and saints and gods.
I love you all, YOU discriminate
I make the most valuable things in life free, YOU made Money."

This can be a little disconcerting.

I don't consider myself Gods instrument here on Earth, yet I hear his voice. I would expect from all the movies that I've seen, and certainly the stories I've been told by believers, that when God speaks to me, there would be great wisdom and direction. The voice I hear is that of someone who has his nuts in a vice and is working up his argument for when you get home. You know what it's like, when you say to someone "I don't give a shit what you do" and then find out after the fact that actually, you do. You know, the free will thingy.

I was expecting the Voice of God (VoG) to be more like Charlton Heston and less like Woody Allen.

As far as me being His instrument here on Earth, think about this.

Being blindsided by a sideshow that has impossibly costumed actors with science fiction powers and heart wrenching legend is perfectly OK if you are into Pro-Wrestling. A little passion play is good for the soul. it is NOT the stuff on which to build a personal code (unless of course you are a professional wrestler).

These costumed actors acquire the trappings of authority and use the authority as a mouthpiece - WWF, Church, it's the same thing, brimstone and damnation.

It's what you expect - you expect to get yer daily VoG secondhand and with a floorshow. You don't want whining and second guessing, you demand commandment (or commandments).

Regardless of this, our most durable prophets were dirt poor and had the responsibility of religious authority thrust upon them. Their voice did not come from a $30,000 wardrobe and $1,000,000 PA system and their voice was universally damned as heresy. A shitty job considering how mankind treats these emissaries of the Lord.

I used to wonder why God would be talking to me, being a filthy little atheist and all.

It makes sense now.

If you have to get the message out and the messenger invariably gets lynched by a mob, why not use a non-believer.

They are not one of the chosen few and since they don't believe in God, they won't be going to heaven so you don't have to engage in tedious rationalizations about why you had to create people who don't believe in you.

Makes sense.