Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Call me vain, I think they are funny

"I firmly believe that all religious groups want an open and frank conversation about the existence of God and our place in his universe. I think that this will be the first order of business once that they have wiped out all those that disagree with them."

"I hate haters"

"This sucks the ass of that which sucks ass."

"Remember that all the people that have accomplished what you want have one thing in common. They are people. You are people too - just like them. They did not get what they wanted by being like you, they got it by being like them. If you want the same things as them you don't have to be like them, you only have to be like you."

"Guns don't kill people, apathy does."

"It is insufficient that they simply die, it is necessary that they do so in a sporting manner."

"Apis potitis andati none."

"I have touched organisms that were alive before Jesus was born, that can feel the dipole of a human heart on their faces, and that see the world through the jelly in their jaws. We share the planet with organisms that can live at temperatures of 140 degrees Celsius, breathe toxic metals and live for tens of thousands of years. By far the most fabulous thing that presents itself across my perceptual threshold is certainly one of the most common and familiar - it is you."

"Yo Momma is so fat, you can see someone standing behind her"

"Twitter is appropriately named 'cause it's fer twits."

"History books are written by killers and not killees" ^1.

"There's nothing wrong in burning bridges, just don't burn 'em all."

"I had the opportunity to see how his mind works. It was like watching him chew food with his mouth open so I could see how his teeth work."

"I have 'Mal de Merde', I'm sick of this shit"

"Call me Leviathan: Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." ^2

"He traded his life for a lifestyle." ^3

We have yet to realize that the totality of our efforts directed toward finding ways of killing ourselves off, and actually doing it, is going to be dwarfed by the effort needed to keep ourselves alive when we enter that final crucible in which all that is unnecessary is burned away and we are trying to find that we have always taken for granted – each other, food, warmth.

"We are the thing that we like to kill the most, and we are the only thing that we kill that is actually increasing in numbers. Fortunately, through good planning and hard work, there is now enough circulating ordnance to support a much bigger target population." ^4

"I know how to do this, but knowledge is not enough." ^5

"Here is a paradox, someone whom money cheapens"

"Employment, the act of earning more money for those that need no more money"

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^1 Some of our most well publicized storytellers are not our most lucid, but Charlie Manson who has tried his hand at writing among other things, has a history that is most compelling and like HST is as blurry because of those same dangerous drugs. BTW If you like Charlies sort of extemporaneous stream of consciousness rap type thing but find the content tedious and repetitive (Drugs man, gets ya evry time), then William S Burroughs' (better drugs = better outcome) most excellent piece Naked Lunch should satisfy even your most prurient appetites.

^2 Chap. 13, para. 9

^3 Jimi Hendrix, John Snipes, Freddie Mercury, Jerry Garcia, Janice Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain - Janice is a female, and not everyone knows my old friend John, but you get the point.

^4 Dreamed this little nugget up in Cupertino, June 2010. Part of a bigger piece still being peristaltically processed, hoping to pinch this one off soon - yer welcome!

^5 My personal surd mantra every morning while learning to shave with a straight edge - sorta keeps you focussed on the fact that like Zen art, this is first time touch stuff, where the first stroke is also the last and each immortal. Impeccable technique and singular concentration are also needed to get this thing satisfactorily where it needs to be.